You can benefit from physiotherapy if you are suffering from low back pain, neck pain, strains and sprains or joint and muscular pain. Physiotherapy can also help with male/female incontinence.
if you are over the age of 18, you are able to self-refer to Physiotherapy providing fit the referral criteria above.
Please click on this link to open the self-referral form, guidance and advice leaflet:
Unfortunately the service is not available if:
You are under the age of 18
You want to see a physiotherapist about a neurological or breathing problem
You need a home visit
You are under secondary school age (if you are under 16 you will need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian)
If you want physiotherapy following a recent operation - your surgeon will need to refer you directly.
If you have recently had surgery, your consultant will usually refer you for physiotherapy.
Do you have a joint or muscle problem?
Please use the FREE local getUBetter app approved by your clinicians in North Cumbria Integrated Care. It is provided alongside your NHS care and offers local tips, advice, and exercises tailored to you and your stage of recovery.
• Instant access
• Easy to use
• Safe and effective
Your healthcare professionals cannot be with you 24/7, but getUBetter can.
Why is self-care important?
Most musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and conditions can be treated at home and will get better without the need for a specialist appointment. getUBetter gives you the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to improve your MSK health and lifestyle.
What is getUBetter?
getUBetter is a safe and effective way to help you self-manage your injury or condition at home, work, and on the move. The app covers a range of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions… Back
Back & Leg
Upper Limb Tendinopathy
Lower Limb Tendinopathy
Sprains and strains …and is designed to help you trust your recovery, live and work well.
Who is getUBetter for?
Anyone 18 or over who needs help with a joint or muscle problem.
What will I get?
• Instant and 24/7 support
• Easy-to-follow exercises
• Support to recover, live, and work well
• Help when waiting
• Advice on when to seek help
• Approved by your clinicians
• Access to local treatments and services
• Support before and after surgery
What are the next steps?
1. Download the getUBetter app You can download the app through this link
2. Create your account Enter your postcode, select your GP practice, and enter your details to create your account.
3. Choose your condition Select your condition and follow your personalised and targeted recovery pathway. If you need further help getting started, watch our videos or get in touch with one of our team:

Get the Right Treatment
Every year, millions of us visit our GP with minor health problems that can be easily resolved without a doctor's appointment.
It is estimated that every year, 50 million visits to the GP are made for minor ailments such as coughs and colds, mild eczema, and athlete's foot. By visiting your pharmacy instead, you could save yourself time and trouble.
Keeping a well stocked medicine cabinet at home can help you treat many minor ailments. Colds, coughs, indigestion and many other minor complaints can all be treated with medicines that are available over the counter.
Your pharmacist can advise on what you might find useful to keep in your medicine cabinet. Always follow the instructions on the medicine label and consult your doctor if the illness continues or becomes more severe.
Your Local Pharmacist
Pharmacists offer professional free health advice at any time - you don't need an appointment. From coughs and colds to aches and pains, they can give you expert help on everyday illnesses. They can answer questions about prescribed and over-the-counter medicines. Your local Pharmacist can also advise on healthy eating.
Pharmacists can also advise on health eating, obesity and giving up smoking. Some pharmacists have private areas where you can talk in confidence. They may suggest you visit your GP for more serious symptoms. It is possible to purchase many medicines from the chemist without a prescription. Watch this short video on how you can get the most out of your local pharmacy
Accident & Emergency (A&E)
Major A&E departments assess and treat patients who have serious injuries or illnesses. Generally, you should visit A&E or call 999 for emergencies, such as:
- loss of consciousness,
- pain that is not relieved by simple analgesia,
- acute confused state,
- persistent, severe chest pain, or
- breathing difficulties.
If you're injured or seriously ill, you should go, or be taken, to A&E. If an ambulance is needed you can call 999, the emergency phone number in the UK. You can also dial 112, which is the equivalent for the European Union.
Major A&E departments offer access 365 days a year and usually open 24 hours a day. Be aware that not all hospitals have an A&E department.

Your 2 Week Fast Track Appointment
Your GP recommends that the symptoms you are experiencing should be looked into as quickly as possible.
They have referred you using the 2 week referral process.
What does this mean?
Most people will not have cancer but it is important to act quickly to rule out cancer or to ensure early diagnosis and treatment, which improves outcomes.
Please try to accept the first appointment offered to you. Please inform your GP if you have any holidays in the next 2 weeks or if you have any difficulty in attending the hospital for this appointment.
Many people find it helpful to take a friend or relative along with them to the appointment and you are very welcome to do so.
You may find it useful to think about any questions you might want to ask. You could write them down to take to the appointment.
What will happen now?
You will receive information about the appointment within one week. Please ensure your practice has your most up-to-date contact details.
If you do not hear within 1 week or if you cannot attend the appointment you have been given, please call the Contact Centre on: 01228 814006
Click here to download a PDF of this information

Think Pharmacy First

Spencer Street Surgery
We are pleased to announce that our practice patients will be able to benefit from award winning, high quality films, courses and animations designed to help healthcare professionals advise patient’s on managing long-term conditions safely and effectively at home. They provide courses of educational material focusing on the causes, symptoms, risks, treatment and management of each condition.
In addition to specific disease areas there are also more general topics such as keeping well at work, ageing well and general lifestyle advice.
There is no need for patients to sign up for an account, all you need is a unique link that can be sent through via the practice or click the links below:
Title |
Link |
Ageing Well at Home |
Click Here |
Back Pain |
Children - Diet & Exercise Course |
COPD Course |
Dementia |
Diabetes |
Diabetes Course |
General All Videos |
Heart Failure |
Keeping Well at Work |
Lifestyle Animations |
Mental Health at Work Course |
Sleep Course |
Weight Loss Surgery |
Weight Management Course |
Smoking Cessation Course |

HEALTHIER TOGETHER - Website and Mobile App
The Healthier Together website provides useful resources for parents, carers and young people (via information leaflets, self-care advice, and guidance on when and how to access appropriate local healthcare services). Please follow this link for more details
The NHS Healthier Together app has been designed to provide parents with information to reduce parental anxiety and support parents to make informed choices on when to access healthcare or selfcare at home.

Below, is a link to a STOMP information pack for carers and families of people with Learning Disabilities

Self-referral to NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies - Over 18's
NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies is the new name for First Step and has been changed as part of a national rebrand. It offers the same effective psychological therapies for mild to moderate depression and anxiety disorders (e.g. Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Health Anxiety, Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders). You can self refer using the referral form below
You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire
(if you are unable to access online, then you can complete the questionnaire by phoning 0300 123 9122)
Link to Talking Therapies Self-Referral Form
Information on Talking Therapies Referral Services
The Lighthouse Project (on Spencer St) is a service run by MIND – open 6pm – 11.30pm every night of the year for people who are feeling low/not coping/stressed – during times of crisis and need support that night. Call 0300 561 0000 for an appointment.
Free online Counselling and Wellbeing Service available for Over 16's....
Just click on this link.....
For under 18's a free, safe and anonymous online support service is available up until 10pm....
Just click on this link......
Other useful mental health resources:
Samaritans Tel: 116 123
NHS Choices Moodzone - links to sources of self help and online help: NHS Choices Moodzone
Moodjuice - Moodjuice
Borderline Counselling Carlisle - Tel: 01228 596900 or visit Borderline Counselling
Safety Net Carlisle: Support the recovery of those affected by rape, sexual and domestic abuse: Tel 01228 515859
Mind Carlisle & Eden: Tel 0300 561 0000 or visit Mind Carlisle & Eden
We have employed social prescribers to help support you to improve your health, wellbeing and independence. Social Prescribing Link workers are able to:
- Explore what is important for your life and wellbeing
- Identify the local activities and services you can benefit from
- Gain support and encouragement to start using services that can help you.
- Provide non clinical help to support you to manage long term health conditions
Please click on this link to view a document which explains our social prescribing service
These pharmacies are there so you don't need to go to your local GP or GUM clinic. Just nip in, have a chat with them, get a test done,
(which takes all of 5 minutes) then walk out with the results. EASY!
So whats stopping you? Fear of being seen?
You could be going into a pharmacy to talk about ANYTHING. That's the point of this project, it's there to hide you from people you may know. We all know what Cumbria is like when it comes to sexual health and rumours that fly around. But nobody is going to know why you went into that little private room in the pharmacy. For all anyone knows, you have a rash on your big toe.
To access a wealth of information on services provided by third sector and voluntary organisations in our area please visit Compass website. Compass in Cumbria is a groundbreaking way of linking the Third Sector, Social Care and Health together providing a connected and holistic service for the residents of Cumbria.
Here you will find details of activities that are organised in our local area, useful factsheets and guides and also links to organisations that can provide help and assistance.
For details of local NHS Services, and also advice on self-care, symptom checker and detailed information on clinical conditions, please visit NHS Choices website:
Patient UK is an online resource providing information on health, lifestyle, disease and other medical related topics. The website's aim is to provide members of the public with up-to-date information on health related topics in the form of comprehensive leaflets, blogs, wellbeing advice and videos. Leaflets are compiled by qualified medical practitioners with several years of experience in the medical profession.
For help with finances, wellbeing, care, why not visit the Age UK website?
We have a leaflet that may help you manage any problems you may have with ear wax. If you have a perforated eardrum or an infection it is always best to consult with your GP or nurse prior to self-treating ear wax. Please download our leaflet here....
Please click on this link for helpful advice:
We are a rehabilitation service designed to support people in understanding and managing their symptoms, with the aim of improving both their day to day activities of daily living as well as improving their mood.
The people we support may experience chronic (or persistent) pain or they may have been given a diagnosis such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ ME, Functional Neurological Symptoms (including Non-Epileptic Attacks) or Medically Unexplained Symptoms.
Our team provide a combination of physical and psychological interventions and includes clinical psychologists and practitioners, physiotherapists, CBT therapists, rehabilitation assistants and assistant psychologists.
Please click on the link below to access our website and useful resources:

NHS 111
111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally.
Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:
- Treat yourself at home
- Go to a Primary Care Centre
If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.
Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.